The English word house derives directly from the Old English Hus meaning “dwelling, shelter, home, house,” which in turn derives from Proto-Germanic Khusan (reconstructed by etymological analysis) which is of unknown origin. The house itself gave rise to the letter ‘B’ through an early Proto-Semitic hieroglyphic symbol depicting a house. The symbol was called “bayt”, “bet” or “beth” in various related languages, and became beta, the Greek letter, before it was used by the Romans.
The houses are constructed differently based on the architectural design. The architectural design plays a vital role in elevation of a building that is being constructed. An architectural designer designs a buildings elevation based on many factors like..,
- The money spent on the project.
- Hight of the building.
- Availability of space in the front of the building.
Landscape also plays a good role for a building attractivity in the present world. In the competitive world landscape and architectural design is important to make a dwelling shelter.

The architectural designer makes a dwelling shelter attractive with the available materials in the market. In market, materials are costly and moderate and cheap designer takes the material into account after the owners willing to buy the materials. It is totally owners decision whether to buy costly or moderate priced materials. The designers never takes cheap priced items into account or never show them to the owner because cheap priced materials don't have good quality and less life.The materials with moderate and costly price tag have long life and to have a good quality.
The materials and items that are generally taken into account by the designer are
- Tak wood
- Plywood
- Aluminium sections
- Glass
- Trees
- gypsum boards
- calcium boards
- Electrical items such as bulbs, wires, plastic pipes,
A landscape artist and a architectural designer never tries to destroy things or items such as trees, buildings or anything.But in return tries to save them from remodelling of a house or commercial building that are being constructed beside them.
So, has a landscape artist and a architectural designer it is their tough or job to make things beautiful or impressive.