The power vastu colors for home and color as expression in vastu

 Color As Expression in vastu

Color is one of the strongest expressions of energy and as such, is a powerful tool in creating the mood, and keeping mind in peace or the energy you desire. Color is considered an excellent cure and is used according to the five elements.

Five elements:Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water

 Explanation of each element:

  1.   EARTH: Light Yellow, Sandy/Earthy, Light Brown
  2.   WOOD: Green, Brown
  3.   METAL: White, Grey
  4.  WATER: Blue, Black
  5.   FIRE: Red, Strong Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink

One of the principles of five elements, which are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Elements interact between themselves in certain ways, generally defined as the Productive and Destructive cycles.

 For example:

If you need the water element in your North facing study, you would consider adding blue, the color of the water element of the North.

You will add coral red in the South bathroom for the fire element of the South or spring green accents in an East facing living room for the wood element of the East. Colors are also chosen according to the birth element of people who live in the house.

Vastu shastra has a similar complex approach to the choice of color. However, the color correspondence for various directions is different. Color is chosen according to the ruling planet of the specific direction, not its element. So, if you want to paint a room in the South-east of your home.

You will add coral red in the South bathroom for the fire element of the South or spring green accents in an East facing living room for the wood element of the East. Colors are also chosen according to the birth element of people who live in the house.

Vastu shastra has a similar complex approach to the choice of color. However, the color correspondence for various directions is different. Color is chosen according to the ruling planet of the specific direction, not its element. So, if you want to paint a room in the South-east of your home.

 For example:             

you will choose the silver white color of the ruling planet of the Southeast direction, which is Venus. Color is also advised in vastu shastra according to the zodiac sign of the inhabitants.

For example: 

If you are a Gemini, green colors will be best for your energy, and if you are an Aquarius then pink and blue will be your best choices. 

Here Are Some Easy Colour Tips For Your Home:
  • Colour Green is excellent for improving health and balancing family life when used in the East area of your home.
  • Colour Blue is a very good  choice in the North area to support the energy of your carrier growth or in the East (Health and family) and South-east (Wealth/Money) to water and nourish the Wood element.
  • Have some strong Yellow in the South area for happy gatherings and good times.
  • Pure White in the West area (Creative and Children) will bring supportive energy for all your creative endeavours.
Before using specific colours in your home as  be sure to study the light patterns throughout the day in the room. Would the colour feel good in the morning? How about at night with artificial Lighting?

Be sure the chosen colour has a good relationship with the other "inhabitants" of your home, such as your furniture pieces, decor objects, art, etc. You would like all of them to have a good time, rather than argue and continuously fight for your attention!

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